Sunday, July 13, 2008

For Every Life there is a Season

It has been quite awhile since I have written. As they say life happens. I want to catch you up since the last entry. We have lost 2 family members. Sadie (she is the one on the right in the photo), one of the Torties that came with the house. We didn't even realize she was sick until two weeks before she died. I noticed she wasn't eating as much. but she still had the same happy go lucky nature. When she seemed to grow listless, we took her to the vet in the morning, in the afternoon I received a call from our vet. They took tests and found she had cancer. That afternoon I stood next to Sadie in the vet's office as the vet helped release Sadie from her pain and quickly slipped from this world to the next. I was glad I could be there for her. It was sad and yet I felt a peace in the room when I knew Sadie left her body.
Rex our almost 8 year old bunny died a month ago. He was feisty all the way up this death. He went quick. I was able to hold him until he left his body. I was glad that he wasn't alone when he died. I am told from an animal's perspective, they don't have the same attachment to their physical body and they don't fear death the way we humans do.
Interesting things happened after he died. I started feeling him around me and I started hearing messages, like little suggestions. I started gravitating towards certain fruits. One time I was in a coffee place and I was going to buy a muffin and a latte. but as I was looking at the different options, I also noticed some bananas and a couple of apples displayed on a serving dish. I heard a voice that said "I think you will the find the banana much more tasty." So I bought the banana. Ironically, I am not the fan of the banana, but as I ate it, it actually tasted better than I remember. I said to myself "ok, Rex , this is for you." Sometimes I would go to the store next to my work and buy fruit for snacks instead of my usual sweets and I started eating more salads. A week later, we had our monthly meeting where I made a fruit sald that had a lot of the fruit that Rex enjoyed. Of course we had muffins and a sausage dish and I heard "try the fruit salad, you'll like it much better." So I did and I felt more present in the different flavors and my sense of taste seemed much more heightened. I felt like it was Rex communicating with me. Sometimes, like now, I can feel a cool energy lightly touching my left fore arm.
Soon after these experiences, I was riding on Bart to get to work and I started meditating. As I felt my body going into a deeper meditative state, I found myself in a field. A grassy field with a lot of yellow grasses around me and a big tree. As I looked around I saw a bunny running towards me--it was Rex. "I just wanted to show you where I live. I have a lot of bunny friends and I can run where ever I want. There is plenty of dandelion greens, they don't taste the same, but I don't get hungry anyway." We went to the big tree and I sat on the ground and supported my back against the tree. He sat next to me and laid his front paws on my legs. He told me he is glad I am eating more fruit because when I eat he can take in the flavor from the vibrations of what I eat. So that is why I am drawn to eating more fruits and vegatables. I enjoyed sharing space with him. I really felt present in his new home. It was peaceful. The temperature was pleasant. I gently stroked his head and ears the way I used to when he was in his body. I asked him if he would like to be one of my allies when I do my work with animals and he said yes. As I sat with him I felt like we were two old friends catching up. We didn't need to converse much, it was just comfortable sitting together. When it was time to say good bye, I saw another bunny coming up to me. This was a Rabbit walking upright. He was dressed very dapper wearing a tux with tails carrying a cane. It was my rabbit, an angora rabbit, Asher. He said it was time for them to go. I hugged both of them goodbye and came back in my body. it was nice.
A week later, I was just getting out of bed and I walked through the formal dining room that rex used as his room, where his cage was and I saw him for a brief second in solid form, stretched out on the floor the way he used to when he was relaxing. I wasn't alarmed, I just said telepathically "Hi Rex, glad you stopped by". That same week, David and I were in the second bedroom. this is where I have my computer set up, I was having trouble with some software and David was checking it over to find the problem. We have a mobile hanging from the ceiling. I happened to see it moving slightly. It never moves. So I said to myself, "Rex if you are there could you make it move faster?" Almost instantaneously, it started twirling. The mobile was behind David. I asked him if he could feel a breeze in here and he said no. I said "look the Mobile is turning I asked Rex if he was here to make it move and he did". David said "What a good little bunny." I take comfort that Rex and I are still connected through spirit. He seems to enjoy being in this form of energy. I think he likes the freedom to move where ever and when ever he wants.

Next up: The grieving process that the rest of the family went through and our animal communicator who helped us through this time.

Until then "Keep your eyes on the prize and keep reaching with your paws!"