Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Our Happy Family-New Bunny in the house

His name: Reggie M. Rabbit (M stands for Mini-Lop)
Age: 8 Months old
Color: Black/White quilty coat
Likes: Carrots, bananas, apples, parsley, dandelion greens
Dislikes: Being cooped up in a small space, pushy humans, humans that don’t see his greatness.

We found Reggie at the Humane Society where my husband, David volunteers. He is a very nice, loveable—aren’t they all, spunky bunny. I love the mini-lop personality. They are charming, mischievous, daring and out spoken. They have been described as a canine in a rabbit suit. I have a friend who would scoff “He is a rabbit who has a certain personality, he is not a dog, you are being a classist!” And yes, I guess I was putting him in a box—because rabbits come in with all types of personality traits.

One of my rabbits, Asher, was very playful and gentle he would come when I called him and loved being with the cats in the family. He would sit on the couch with me as I watched TV or he would jump on my lap. Another rabbit, Heather Celeste, loved to spend a lot of time on her own. She would come up to me but preferred to sit in the same corner and sleep, but when she found something she enjoyed to chew on she would become very animated. And our 8 year old, Rex, who just passed—he was quiet, dignified and loved to sit and meditate. He loved spending a lot of time in his pen, but he had a favorite place in the cool hearth of the fireplace to lie on during the summer months. He didn’t like to be picked up but he would come up and greet me when I came home in the evening. I saw him as an intellectual who liked to ponder over the life of bunnies everywhere.

He like other species will connect with other like-minded beings to teach each other things they are learning to help their species evolve. That is why, if they have one life, where maybe they lived with a family that wasn’t sensitive to who they were, they could pass that info on when they die and come back in a place where they know they will be loved and respected.

The first rabbit I had when I was in my 20’s was named Phoebe. She was a grey agouti mini-lop with a determined personality. She could be aggressive when she wasn’t pleased with you or thought you didn’t take her seriously, but if she knew you respected her, she was gentle and patient. She loved her treats. When I would bring out the box of her favorite treat, she would run to me and enthusiastically move her head from side to side to show her excitement. She didn’t even mind that I liked her to sit up to grab it. She lived to be 7 years old. At the time the life span for a rabbit was 2 years old, now with all the new findings on nutrition and cage maintenance, Rabbits are living to be 7-10 years.

What attracted me to Reggie was not just because he was a mini-lop, but I saw something about him I recognized. It was intuitive, but I knew that he would fit in great with our big feline family. Cats and rabbits can be good pals. Since they are both non-confrontational, they seem to be very compatible. One day as I looking at his photo, I realized that he had the same expression as Phoebe. I realized that phoebe came back as Reggie! That is why I was picking up on his personality. I was excited to have her back.

When I was getting ready for Reggie to come to live with us, I was looking up the Mini-Lop to get any tips pertaining to his breed. I forget, that if I type cast him in a certain way, I am not being fair to his unique qualities and so it is no wonder I didn’t find anything. I need to learn from him about who he is. I have Rex who is one of my rabbit allies who will help me with any challenges along the way. I also have our friend Cathy who can answer questions about Reggie if I feel I am not hearing him clearly.

I have been communicating with our own feline and Lupine family for over 20 years. It helps that our 4-legged kids, as I call them, know that David and I are willing to honor their needs as long as it is not harmful to them or goes against the rules of the house. So they pretty much communicate to us through their thoughts, body language or vocalizations.

So David and the rest of the kids will help him to get comfortable in our home. All the kids are happy to have this highly spirited bunny living with us and when they saw Reggie come in, I could see that were excitement to have a bunny living with us again. They have been coming in to visit him in his temporary pen. In the days to come I will chronicle our experiences with Reggie and the antics that he and the rest of the family conspire together. I am sure they will keep us on our toes and who knows; maybe we will all create games to play together. What the start to a new and fun journey.

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