Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Story of Blackie McPercy

I first met Blackie, our rogue cat, when he was I think aprox 6 months. He was a sleek black cat with a long thick tail and had beautiful almond green eyes. He was across the street, yowling up a storm. So as I did with most cats, I gave a courtesy yowl acknowledgement. He looked startled like “where did that come from”, then came prancing across the street. He was hungry and maybe thought I was asking him if he wanted a snack.

From that point forward, he started coming and paying us a visit around dinner time and would sit on the porch. As he got to know us, he would come up to us so we could pet him. In the evening when we got home he would come prancing up to meet us and we would climb the steps foot to paw in a perfect synchronistic gait. He had a certain cadence for greeting me a sort of sound that was distinctive from other cats, so when he would make his sound of greeting, I would mimic him as a way of saying “hi”.

There were times he would disappear for months and then one day, usually during the summer, show up on our porch asking for dinner. We used to joke to people that this was his summer home. There was one period of time where he seemed to be gone for a whole year. But then one evening he showed up on our porch. I loved his spirit. He was a scrapper, we knew he could take care of himself and that he had these thick monster claws that I am sure knew how to use in battle.

But with us, he was sweet, gentle, polite and when I would go and talk to him or sit on the porch, he would rub hmself on me to tell me I was part of his territory. But I felt intuitively that I wasn’t just another human in his territory, he saw me as his surrogate mom and I would pet him and give him a full body kitty massage as I sung his special song that I made up just for him. In the last few months he got the courage to come into our home for brief moments. And it was a real treat. He would come and let me pet him. I actually picked him up at one point.

Being that he was a feral cat, not used to a lot of human contact, we considered it a high honor of trust, that he allowed us to give him affection. We always treated him with respect on his own terms. He may have had other humans he visited, I knew we were his favorite family. I used to feel sad at times that he didn’t have a real home, but then he was a feral cat and the whole world was his territory.

This past weekend, he showed up again and he looked like he had gotten in another scrape. David cleaned his wounds and gave him food. Even though he was obviously in pain, when I would go out to see him, he would come up to me so I could do our special ritual. I told him I was glad he knew to come back home when he wasn’t feeling well. We couldn’t get him in the vet until after the weekend. So we took care of him gave him a special bed outdoors because he couldn’t stand being cooped up in the home. I tried not to show him how sad I felt that he was not feeling well. Instead I would talk to him about the first time I ever saw him and how much we love seeing him, the things we shared together-And glad he is part of our extended family. I could get the sense he liked the story I told him and his purr was his confirmation.

When David took him to the vet, the Vet said, he had not gotten into a fight, he had a tumor that was absessed and he had cancer. So David knew it was time for him to go on to the next step of his journey. He went back into spirit at 1030 Tuesday morning. I was at work, But when I got a text message from David to call him, I knew it was about our Rogue cat. I am going to miss seeing his furry face, hearing him call me with his special throaty voice. But I take comfort that of all the humans he could have gone to, he chose us, his family to come home so we could be there for him when it was time to leave the earth. I still get a sense that is he here with us. I feel he liked being part of our family and will continue to hang out in the garden, we call our magical garden because I am always surprised because all sorts of plants just show up. There are also the trees the cats like to lay under that I feel the Deva spirits live and bless any being who gives them respect. So now Blackie McPercy is a part of that.


Anonymous said...

Dear Evie,

Thanks for writing such a sensitive, beautiful story about Blackie. All of us who have and have had pets know how sad it is to lose a furry friend. Our hearts go out to you.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful story! I love when we can connect with other creature in such a special spiritual way. I am so glad he spent time with such awesome humans!

margo said...

dear Evie,
What a wondrous life Blackie McPercy led. And what amazing love you guys gave him. You are in my heart and prayers. blessings,margo