Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Reggie and Me

It has been over two months since Reggie the veggie boy has been living with us. It took him a couple of weeks to feel comfortable with me and now loves running through the house and exploring. The girls, Fiona, Annie and Moon seem to have a good friendship with him, but Oski, well that is another story. Reggie tolorates him, but if he feel Oski is getting too much in his business, he will rush after Oski and growl, Oski usually acquiesces and it is fine. They have learned to reach a compromise.

He is still getting used to David's energy, but being the good sport that he is, David is just letting Reggie find his own way. When I realized that Reggie liked me it was one of those special moments where I could see him processing something in his head. When I was on Bart earlier that day I said (telepathically) "If you want to get on my lap, just try it, if you don't like it, you can always jump off, but I feel you want to get on my lap, so just do it, you might like it." So as I was sitting on the love seat in his room reading "Digital Photography for Dummies" one moment he was on the floor, the next minute he hopped on the love seat with me and then proceeded to get on my lap. Because it was so new to him, he only stayed a few seconds, but in that time he sniffed my face and then I lowered my head and let him sniff my hair. then he jumped off fairly quickly, but I could tell he was pleased with himself that he was brave enough to go through with it. Shortly after that, when I was on the sofa watching TV, and he was out and about, he would make a point to get on my lap and explore again. I would make sure I had his favorite snacks on hand, banana chips-no sugar added, a piece of parsley or a piece of banana. Instantly I would see his eyes perk up and he would stay on my lap longer.

He is four paws full and a tale. He will get into anything he feels he needs to explore. Sometimes I think his motto is "Divide and conquer" because if he sees something that is blocking his view (like one of the barriers I made for an area of the home he needs to stay out of), he will do what ever he can to knock it down or tear it down with his claws or his teeth-that's why I use cardboard. One day I was working at my computer and I felt him jump on the chair with me. I thought he was saying hi, what he was actually doing was using me and the chair to make it easier to get on the computer table! he had no problem navigating his way to the top in the most efficient way possible. I recognized that from this point forward, I would have to keep the chair a good distance away from the computer table when I wasn't in the room so he wouldn't be tempted. I do have cords from my mouse and IPod charger. But one day, Reggie was out and I placed the chair away from the table but not far enough. I was in the dining room doing some painting and I heard a "crash". I run into the room and found Reggie behind the barrier! He was trying to jump from the chair to the table and mis-judged the distance. Was he hurt or traumatized? NO! he just proceeded to explore what was behind the barrier. I was able to get him from behind the barrier before he did any real damage (now I have another place to Reggie-Proof). I have since moved the chair so far that he knows he can't clear the distance. Yes, our Reggie is a jumper, a climber and a long distance jumper-a very athletic rabbit. Well at least it will keep him healthy.

And he still has a lot of attitude. He is very head strong and stubborn. When I tell him to move away from a new area and I know it isn't good for him. I will lightly guide him away, sometimes he isn't ready to move away and he will turn and growl at me. It startled me the first time he did it and I knew if I tried to force him, he would see it as agression and then I could lose his trust. So I went to get a treat and guided him out that way. He was fine and peace was restored once again.
I am really enjoying my friendship with Reggie. He will come up to me if I come into his room or when I come home from work. Sometimes he will follow me around to see what I am doing and then sometime we demonstrate our fancy foot work to each other. I will move around in a silly way and then he will do his own dance by racing around the room. it is run and I know we are playing . I also love sitting on the floor with him. sometimes he will put his paws on my legs or sometimes he will come up and sniff me, then run away very victoriously that he went out of his comfort zone.

In the months to come it will interesting to see the changes he makes as he gets more mature and understands the rules of the house. He is already learning to listen better and comes when I call him. He really is a wonderful addition to the family. Before we adopted him, I had my friend Cathy ask him if he would get along with the cats in the family, he said he wasn't sure but he was willing to try. And I glad he took the chance, because I can tell he is happy living with us. And we are so very happy he is here with us.

1 comment:

dave said...

I think he should be called "Reginald von Rabbit III"!