Thursday, December 11, 2008

When the Student is Ready the Teacher Appears

I love that saying and it is so true. Since I have been on my true path with spirit, I have been directed to talk to the right people or be in the right place at the right time. I know that not everyone may agree with me or think I am being airy-fairy or woo-woo, but for me this a reality and I have been living a much fuller life-full of magic, happy surprises, an abundance of laughter and vibrating joy.

I have been taking a lot of classes the past few months. Classes in Chakra balancing, Meditation and grounding techniques and have been actively using the healing modality of Reiki which means Life force. It is an energy work that is very subtle-some people feel it as a relaxing sensation that is very peaceful, but a Reiki practitioner can move any stuck energy in the body so if there is any dis-ease or discomfort, the Reiki will move it so balance can take place and also along with the inner work, an aspect in your outer life will also improve. I have used it to protect myself energetically when I have had problem customers who want to project their bad energy on me, with these techniques, I have learned to send the energy back to them like light bouncing back and they either stop or leave because they don't like their own energy.

So on Thanksgiving, I was writing in my journal about the benefits of Reiki and contemplating how I wanted to use it--all of a sudden I felt a rush of cool energy surrounding my arms and my face and I knew there was spirit trying to get my attention. I also got a headache which is telling me that there was too much psychic energy coming at me. I told the spirit to stop and he did pull his energy back. That same day I had invited my friend, who is also psychic, to dinner. while we were waiting for the food to be done I asked her to see if she could find out who and why he is contacting me.

Almost instantly, she said that there is actually a group of guides who are here to help me and Alan is the contact guide who is going to teach me about using herbs to get in balance so I can do my Reiki work. I was excited. When I decided to revisit my Reiki teachings I realized that Reiki was part of the work I am to do spiritually. I allowed Alan to come to me in a subtle way to give me direction. I wondered why I suddenly liked being in our vegetable garden and would get euphoric when I was out there. Alan loved all plant life and it gave him energy being here. I always felt there was something special about our garden.

Part of the changes that Alan is guiding me is I am drinking more tea, particularly white Jasmine that has a lot of things for immunity and balance. I am more active. I love being outdoors more than I used to. I am taking a lot more walks and taking my Nikon camera to record any thing that catches my interest. As a result I am also losing weight just by choosing different foods and adding additional activity.

As I have been switching from Coffee to drinking green tea, Rose tea and white Jasmine tea, I have been hearing my guidance more closely and it feels good to be that connected. Which brings me to my latest discovery. My true calling. I am to be a Reiki practitioner for Animals and Plant life. It came very clear-this message-"you love working with animals, why not specialize in Reiki for animals? I don't know why I didn't think of this before. I do feel a real affinity with animals. Even though I am human, I feel a close connection with animals.

I seem to hear the energy of the birds who live in our neighborhood and take seeds and twigs from our garden for their nests and feeding their families. They are starting to recognize me as an OK human. I even had a humming bird flying outside my kitchen window trying to get my attention! They are so small, but one morning something told me to look out the window and there was his little body facing me, fluttering its wings as if to say "good morning". I did my little wave I make when I am acknowledging another being and when it got my attention, it flew away.

So when I got the message I said to David "I just decided to specialize in treating animals with Reiki. I don't know why I didn't think of this before." The next day I was corresponding to my Reiki Master who did the certification for my Reiki and I mentioned that I have decided to work with animals and Reiki. She emailed me back and asked me if I had gotten the animal attunement to work with animals?! I didn't even know such a thing had existed. I asked her if she knew someone who could do the Attunement on me and it so happened she knew the perfect person. So I am getting the Attunement tomorrow.

It is truly a blessing that when I am in alignment with my authentic self, the information and resources I need to move me toward my goal just appear. Of course I know the Law of Attraction works for me too and so all this synchronicity just continues to flow together. So if you need my services for Animal Reiki drop me a line. I am here to help.

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