Sunday, December 7, 2008

Reiki and Animals

I am a Reiki Practitioner. Reiki means life force. So What a Reiki practitioner does is to move the life force through the body when there is stuck energy that can cause blockages and dis-eases in the body. It is a subtle energy healing modality and not everybody feels it when a practitioner is working on them, but they will notice the changes in their body and in aspects of their life. Because blocked energy can be the cause of some discomfort in our life--conflict with friends and family, feeling unsupported, fear of moving forward, etc., this will also show up in your body as headaches, back or knee pain. For instance when you say someone is a pain in the neck, that is a block in that part of the body. So when I work with someone I can help remove and release an energy that is the cause of the physical ailments and my clients also find that an aspect in their lives also gets resolved.

Animals respond to Reiki very well. Because they aren't thinking a million thoughts like us humans, the Reiki will move very quickly and balance is restored once again. I had a girl-cat, Cleo (photo at left) who suffered with asthma. When she would have an attack I would place my hands a few inches from her body and within minutes the asthma attack subsided. Emma, our black and white cat, was having eye problems, so she has been letting me do Reiki on her and I have noticed a change in her eyes. Emma does not like to be held or touched so I do the treatments a few feet away from her, because I can also do long distance treatments and she will sit there for 2-3 minutes while I work on her. When she feels she has had enough, she will move. Animals always know how much they need.
Another Cat, who passed away a year ago, Nicholas (photo at left), was traumatized by 17 other cats when he was being fostered. He was so terrified by anything that moved after that, when I adopted him, he would run away from me if I came too close. I would do some long distance healing and within 5 years, he was a very affectionate lap cat.

I volunteer at the local humane society where I live and work at the front desk. One hectic morning some good Samaritans were dropping off a mom cat and her litter that were living under their car. They brought them in a carrier and the mom was very fearful and hissing and snarling. they had to transfer the mom and her brood to one of the cages at the site. So while they were filling out the paper work. I communicated with the mom that we were only trying to help them and I was going to send some energy to help her relax. within minutes she quieted down and the kittens turned to look at me very intently. The couple that brought them in were amazed at how they were all looking at me.

So Reiki is good for Animals whether for illness or quieting anxiety. And it is easy to learn to do. If you are interested, there are some good resources available so you can take a class to recieve the Reiki Attunements then you work on your animal companions. The other benefit of Reiki energy is that you can use the Reiki energy to enhance the healing properties of any medication you need to give to your animal companion so they take what they need and lessen the side effects.

Here is a good book and it is titled appropriately:

Animal Reiki: Using Energy to Heal the Animals in Your Life (Paperback)by Elizabeth Fulton (Author), Kathleen Prasad (Author)

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